Loops of Fury – Mono
This interactive installation occupied two connected but independent spaces. The first, a “technical” room, available to all viewers and containing detailed information about the experience awaiting them. Once the viewer decided to undergo the experience, a technical assistant helped her/him gear up with the machine that creates the interaction in the second room. Here, opposite to the entrance, was a powerful sound system. A monitoring system recorded the viewer’s heart beats and radio transmitted them in real time to the loudspeakers. The distance between loudspeakers and the viewer determined the volume of amplification. The viewer alone decides how far s/he wants to push her/himself. Nobody else can assist in this experience. Loops of Fury/mono is a totally self-referring experience; it constitutes a challenge to the self from the most important and yet least controllable organ of our body.
Heart rate monitoring system, 3D infrared camera, sound system, especially developed software’s, computers, various gears
Variable dimensions
Photos by FBM Studio, Flex
Body Proxy – Helmhaus, Zurich, 2004